Chiller Upgrade - Ergon Energy, Cairns
We carried out a chiller upgrade on the Ergon Energy Lake Street building in Cairns.
The chiller is the central air conditioning plant for the building, and provides cooling to multiple floors. After many years of operation, the chiller was failing and was scheduled for replacement.
We provided a cost-effective option for refurbishment and upgrade of the existing chiller to bring it back to a near new, reliable and working standard for the building.
The project completed by MAE Refrigeration included:
Reclaiming all refrigeration from the plant
Removing the main condenser coils and condenser support frame from the unit
Installation of a new remote condenser onto the chiller
Removal of the failed electronic expansion valve from the chiller and installation of a new electronic expansion valve
Inspection of turbo core compressors and option for upgrade
Installing new dryers
Pressure testing and evacuation of the system
Charging the system with refrigerant
Commissioning of the chiller, chilled water pump and turbocore compressors, etx valves and system controller in conjunction with the OEM.
The project was delivered on time and on budget, and is meeting all heatload and demand expectations for the building.